3D2life Studio
Another day passed and 3 days left until our deadline. Today I worked on the most precious and hardly scene shot we had. No doubt and no comment, until you've watched it! It was pretty hard and the whole sequence had around 350 frames. The goal was to mask the CG cabinet behind the electrician. I have to admit it it was quite challenging, patience and time consuming. I nearly worked at-least 12 hours on a 10sec clip.

But the good thing is actually I completed it, and it's ready to render even. The result was pretty good, I mean it was better than I hoped. The whole composite was all about rotoscoping, the main part. And the tricky part was to stabilize it, because it was a handheld shot. And we had 2 different renders from Max. I was thinking of using only 1 single frame were you actually only see the cabinet then using the tracker to match up with the camera movement. 

And the final part was to mask the cabinet out and robot. So that will be double time taken. Why I did this is because we have to put different settings on each CG render. Because only having 1 CG render will affect both of the props when for instance you turning up the exposure it will be heavy burn out on both. While having 2 CG render separated would gives you more control. 

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